Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

I am vey blessed to still have my Daddy in my life.  He is 86 years old and not as spry or mentally sharp as he used to be, but he's still my Daddy!  I cannot even begin to name all the things he's taught me over the years, but I've shared many of his sayings with others as the opportunity has presented itself.  I pride myself in getting my 'half-full' attitude from him.

Lesson 1:  to have friends, you have to be one.
Lesson 2:  you have two ears and one mouth - you should do twice as much listening as you do talking.
Lesson 3:  to succeed in life, you need communication and cooperation.
Lesson 4:  it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt..

I know there are others - patience, perseverance, kindness, compassion, giving......and the list goes on and on.

I know some would say that they had a terrible childhood.  I can't say that at all.  Yes - my Daddy generally worked two jobs, but we had everything we needed - food on the table, a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in - everything we NEEDED - not everything we WANTED.  There is a difference.  Today's generation doesn't know the difference.  It's rather sad, actually.  We never felt deprived of anything when we were growing up, but today, if you don't have the latest gadget or drive the newest model of car, or wear THE right clothes, you are just so poor and destitute - you just can't go on.

It's hard to set a good example for children/others about values, priorities, morals, faith when the world is constantly telling the world the opposite.  I am so thankful and blessed to have parents who taught me right from wrong, who instilled in me how much I was loved by not only them, but by my Heavenly Father, and modeled every day what it was like to be true children of God.

Thank you, Daddy (and Mama), for all you've done for me!  I love you more than you will ever know!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Moving Right Along....

Life has been busy lately.  Obviously, that can be a good thing or a bad thing, but since this glass is half-full, we'll just say that's a good thing!

Summer has arrived in all it's hot, humid glory, but that's making the tomato plants, peppers, okra, squash, and hydrangeas explode.  I love seeing the green sprouts push up through the dirt and seeing those big, beautiful 'snow balls' burst with color.

We have many things going on right now - surgeries and recovery, exams, work unrest, (grown) children issues and what not, but as we discussed last night - we are here for a purpose and the Lord has not yet completely revealed that to us.  Until then, we'll be moving right along and praising Him for the life He has given us and the many blessing we enjoy each day.

May your day (and life) continue to move right along as you:

'Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.'  Psalm 55:22

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Praying for Oklahoma

Almost everyone has heard of the tragedy that struck Oklahoma multiple times over the last couple of days.  As following the Boston Marathon tragedy, people have come together once more to comfort and encourage those less fortunate.  It is such a shame that it takes a tragedy to bring people together, but it's also an amazing thing to see people working together side-by-side for the good of others.  Please join me as we continue to pray for the victims and their families, for emergency workers - firefighters, first reponders, police officers - and for all those who are lending a hand to aid those in need.

Monday, May 13, 2013


This was Mother's Day weekend.  I am thankful for my sweet husband, my two children, and my two beautiful grandchildren.  I was able to spend time with only one son and one grandchild, but the day was special. 

I also was privileged to spend time with my Mama.  She has a lot on her plate right now and has for some time, but she continues to move forward.  When I am 80, I can only pray that I will be willing to take care of my ill husband, a house, be active in my church, and continue to care enough to pray for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  I only wish that my children would take advantage of spending time with their grandparents while they still can and allowing their children to know their great grandparents.  I would give the world to have my grandparents in my life - so many memories, but so many lost because their lives were not long-lived. 

I pray that your Mother's Day was filled with special memories that will never be forgotten by you or your loved ones. 

'Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:'  Proverbs 31: 28

May your week be special and may your glass always be half-full!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, Monday.........

Welcome to Monday!  It seems as if the weekends fly.  What I would give to work a 4 day week - I don't even have to have a 3-day weekend - just an extra day to 'catch up'!

We have been studying the book of Philipians in Sunday School for several weeks.  I have also been attending a ladies Bible study that is also centered around the same book.  If you know anything about Philipians and Paul, you know that Paul found JOY in everything.  While I strive to be more like Christ - I am also trying to remember to be joyful in all things like Paul was.  I am extremely blessed with health, family, a job, and a wonderful church and church family, but when your weekend seems too short and you just didn't get everything done you really wanted to - it's more difficult to be joyful!

I've read stories of victims of the Boston bombings and those victims are seeking to find joy even in their circumstances.  They are alive, they will recover, they will be able to lead productive lives............I can handle Monday!!

Have a great one!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Can you believe that it's nearly the end of April already?  I had a birthday this month, but it seems like the older I get, the faster time passes!  There are too many things on my to-do list for the time to fly like this - so I suppose I should get busy!!

We've had some beautiful weather here - I just commented to some friends at church yesterday about how I cannot get my mind around those who believe someone or something other than a living God could have made the gorgeous day.  I have irises planted in my flowerbed that came from plants my grandmother grew.  Now - purple has NEVER been a favorite of mine, but seeing those beautiful flowers not only reminds me of my grandma, but makes me appreciate all the more God's creation.  We are truly blessed!

May your springtime bring you blessings and thankfulness for all you have!  Just don't let it get away from you before you have time to enjoy it!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Happy New Year!  This past year was full of highs and lows, but looking back - we were very blessed and have nothing to complain about.  My Daddy has always said that there will always be someone who is in worse shape than you are - so we should be thankful that our problems are what they are - my Daddy is a wise man who also always had a half full glass!

We usually spend the last evening of the year as a family of 2 plus the baby dogs - quiet, peaceful, watching a little TV, going to bed early.  This year, we had the priviledge of sharing it with family that we have just begun to know.  It was nice to share a good meal, to laugh, share pictures, stories, and learn more about each other.  We may have just started a new tradition!  Thanks B, B, and D for spending the last evening of 2012 with us.  We had a great time!!

As I was reading in a new Beth Moore devotional book this morning, I was reminded of two things:  the awesome blessing of praying scripture and the power of prayer.  I firmly believe that we should 'pray without ceasing', but something our pastor mentioned Sunday again hit home - we should pray as if we were having a conversation with God - just talking to Him.  My devotion this morning said that He wants us to talk to him - He already knows our thoughts, desires - but He wants us to 'tell' Him.  I believe that God will reveal to us opportunities, His Word, His desires for our life - if only we will 'talk' to Him.  Conversation is a two-way street!

I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start.  May you be healthy, happy, and blessed in the days to come.